it inspired this:
click here for a printable version :-) i certainly seem to be partial to this color combination!
i'm thankful for this song and for the Lord's renewing grace!
i'm also thankful that - aside from one minor glitch - my attempt at meal planning is going well (i ended up a bit 'off schedule' with the meals BUT i had some alternates to choose from. so perhaps it wasn't really a glitch at all)
in my recent efforts to grow my blog, i've met some new bloggers - new to me, anyway! i'm thankful for this opportunity to meet other godly, talented women and hopefully form some new friendships.
and i'm thankful that the Lord has allowed me first, the means to be a stay-at-home mom and now, a work-from-home mom. never in a million years had i imagined this life for myself - just goes to show that the plans He has for us HUGELY outweigh the brilliance of anything we could plan for ourselves. (included in this plan appears to be some new, godly growth for both me and hubby that i can't share just yet but it's kinda exciting!)
i'm linking up today with one of those fabulous new bloggers i mentioned: sarah at the fontenot four.

what are you thankful for today?

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