i picked up a new, fun scarf so i thought i'd take a picture. i hate that picture. but, seeing as how i'm trying to grow and all, i'm thinking i need to get over myself a bit and not be so anal about how i look.
my brother-in-law gave us a set of wine racks i've been drooling over for about 3 years and hubby hung them this week. double bonus: it freed up tons of cabinet space!
my little man looks so grown! makes me happy and a little sad at the same time! yes, i took this photo last week and yes, that is (still) our christmas tree you see in the background and no, i am not overly attached. i have a plan. give a girl some grace (please!)
and speaking of little man - his room has been an absolute DISASTER since christmas - no where to put the new stuff! i scored those cubes at goodwill for $20 (yay!) then went across the street to target and spent $40 on the bins (boo!) but then i got his room cleaned up, rearranged and reorganized yesterday (yay, again!) yes, that is organized. and yes, what you see there is paint that needs to be scraped off the windows - from 5 years ago. again - grace, y'all. :-)
tonight, hubby and i have plans for a real, grown up date night! actually, it will be a double date with another couple (hubby's bff is married to my bff and our sons are bffs - works out fabulously!). hopefully i'll remember to take some pictures!
have a wonderful weekend, y'all!

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