i don't watch sports. i don't follow sports. honestly, i don't even like sports. but even i know who this is.
tim tebow.
he's been all over the media. he's even been the subject of an snl parody (which i refuse to link because i didn't find it that funny. but that's just me)
anyway, tim was the subject of this particular conversation and the opening question was something like this:
"i believe in God and i believe in miracles but do you really think God is helping him win?"
this person went on to point out to me (cuz remember, i pay no attention to anything sports related - odd since i believe my husband is meant.to.be a sports writer. anyway.......)
"this guy is famous for displaying john 3:16 in his eye black. during the playoff, he threw for 316 yards and averaged 31.6 yards......."
i just recently learned that, if i'm reading correctly, within his first 3 seasons of college ball, he accumulated 3,016 rushing yards. and in his 3rd season, he passed for 3,016 yards.
ummmm........is it just me?
do i think that God is helping tim tebow win football games and lead his team to victory?
but tim is very open and visible with his faith. he takes every opportunity to spread the gospel.
the bible says:
"and whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him"
~colossians 3:17
it appears that tim's got that one covered, yeah?
(and, yes, "whatever" includes football.)
proverbs 16:3 says
"commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans shall succeed"
does God really care about a football game? perhaps in some respects.
i think that what He really cares about is the message.
believers and non-believers alike are talking about tim and his faith.
if God can use tim in a miraculous way such as this to open the eyes of even one person........
that's pretty cool, right?
so yeah, i think God provided tim with a talent and that tim is allowing himself to be used to bring glory to our magnificent savior. and i think God is seriously using tim.
oh, and remember how i asked for prayer for our pastor's soon-to-be son-in-law?
his surgery was yesterday and was scheduled for approximately 4 hours.
it was over in half the time and he's recuperating quickly.

yeah, baby! whatcha got now??!!
my God REIGNS.
if you have any encouraging words you'd like to share in the comments or you'd like to link up your post, please do so! (and grab a button while you're at it!)
spread some encouragement!

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