
encouraging words wednesday…..{blessings}

it’s one of those days. ya know what i’m talking about? those kinda days when, despite the fact that nothing has gone wrong, nothing feels right either? one of those days when you’re in bed by 7:00pm because you just can’t take it anymore. i’m choosing to blame it on hormones. did you know that even after a hysterectomy, you can still have pms?


yeah, i thought so. but it’s just one of those days.

so because it’s one of those days, i’m gonna count my blessings.


1. i know i say this all.the.time but it can’t be stressed enough: i have a wonderfully supportive, godly husband. he’s incredibly tolerant of my weaknesses – even though lately he’s nickel-in’ & dime-in’ me to death (*grin* he told me that he was reading my blog. we’ll see!)

2. i was very worried about this but my son is doing so well in kindergarten! little man is blossoming socially and i’m so proud!

3. as i mentioned yesterday, i have a wonderful group of friends. and guess what? some of us are going to the women of faith conference together – stayin overnight & everything!

4. God has given me talents and He has a plan for me to use them for His glory. thank goodness He has a plan because, at present, i’m feelin’ pretty plan-less.

5. God will grace me with a brand new day. a new day to get things right, to accomplish what i didn’t the day before, to carry out new ideas, to check more items off my to-do list.

6. and see that picture up there? i took it myself. with my fabulous camera. my camera that suffered a spill this weekend but recovered so nicely :-)

7. last but not least:

roller coaster

little man’s first ride on a ‘big boy’ roller coaster. seriously?? how can you NOT smile at that :-)

“come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
~matthew 11:28-30

sometimes all you can do is count your blessings. just because i’m a Jesus-girl doesn’t mean i’m always happy and filled with joy. i should be. but i’m not. and that’s okay so long as i have perspective.

so i will remember what is good and wait for God to restore my soul.

because i know He will.

because i have faith.

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