"almost all absurdity of conduct arises from the imitation of those who we cannot resemble" ~samuel johnson
ain't that the truth! i have a birthday coming up this month. this month i will be 41 years old. oh my. and throughout the majority of these 40-some-odd years, i've engaged in so much imitation that i could've headlined in the catskills (you're probably too young to get that reference but trust me. it makes sense).
see, i've had trouble becoming comfortable in my own skin. i believed that everyone else was cooler than me. or prettier. or thinner. or more godly. and if i just joined that club or wore that hairstyle or bought those jeans or said that prayer, i would be........well, like everyone else!
but here's the deal. we are not the same. and when we try to be who we're not, we end up looking foolish. God created us as we are for a reason. and God loves who we are. as we are.
for you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. i praise you because i am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, i know that full well.
~psalm 139:13-14
i am His work. it has taken me some time and still, i struggle but i am a rock star. just as i am. and so are you :-)
your assignment: in the comments, share with us all one thing that you love about yourself. me - i love my bold, outspoken personality. your turn!
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