Happy Halloween, all! It's time for our weekly chat with an Etsian Artist who's medium is photography. I truly admire the skills of a great photographer and she's no exception. Meet Tricia of Eyeful:Photography by Tricia McKellar!
1. Your Name: Tricia
2. Shop Name: Tricia McKellar Photography at http://eyeful.etsy.com
I create dreamy landscape and nature photographs from my original
photographs and digital painting.
3. Anyplace else your products be seen (online and IRL)?
My art may be seen online:
on my website http://triciamckellar.com
on flickr http://flickr.com/photos/triciamckellar
on trunkt http://www.trunkt.org/triciamckellar
on etsy http://triciamckellar.etsy.com
on 1000 markets http://triciamckellar.1000markets.com
In real life, I'm a juried artist member of Artspace, Raleigh, NC (http://artspacenc.org) and hang art there. For Oct - DEc of this year I'll have art hanging in exhibitions locally at UNC Women's Hospital and the Duke Hospital Eye Center.
4. Tell us one thing - as it relates to your craft - that would be surprising. I have about 12,000 digital photographs on my computer. Sometimes when I take a photo, I don't like it right away and when I look at it again in a few weeks or months, I decide I like it and work with it to create a work for my portfolio. I can't always tell right away if a photograph will work for me in my art.

6. Tell us about the mistakes you've made that have turned out well. The nice about working digitally with images is that things can always be undone and re-done and worked again. The bad thing about working digitally with images is that things can always be undone and re-done and worked again. LOL! Sometimes it's hard to know when to quit working an image.
7. Who's work - in your genre - do you envy? I greatly admire Laura Kicey at http://helveticaneue.etsy.com . She has an amazing sense of color and tone.

Thank you, Tricia, for sharing your art and your inspiration with us! Be sure to also check out

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