
What's goin' on.............

The Etsy Bloggers Street Team's featured blogger of the month is Storybeader! Congratulations, Deb! Be sure to hop over and wish her well!

There's a giveaway going on over at An Island Life for FABULOUS shoes and boots by Crocs. They have a new line out - You by Crocs - and are they ever!!

I've been wondering - how do you spread the news about your blog? Email signature? Done. Various blog listing sites? Done. Blogrings? I've joined a few. Twitter? Yup. As you can see I'm with Entrecard, Project Wonderful and the Mom's Ad Exchange. And my membership has just been approved for the EtsyBloggers Street Team and Fabulous Artistic Moms. What's working for you? Where's your traffic coming from. My goal this week is to examine my stats and see exactly what's working for me and what isn't and figure out what I can do differently to increase my viewers. Otherwise I'm just talking to myself, right? (Don't tell anyone but I already do that!) I'll fill you in on what I come up with!

1 comment:

The Campbell Family said...

Thanks for all the tips! My blog is so lame compared to this!!!!!

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