
real life......{lets catch up}

hey, y'all!
i've been out of the loop for a bit so i thought it would be nice to catch up :-)

let's see........we had a couple weeks of illness
and car trouble :-/

i've been planning a baby shower for a friend
i would LOVE to give you a peek but she reads my blog :-)

i'm diligently working on getting the new collections together....
i've had some set backs but i've also had some blessings
it seems to take me so long to convert my ideas into actual products
we've talked about this before, i think.
sometimes i think i sabotage myself out of fear
fear of failure, maybe?
i don't know....what do you think?

but i CAN give you a peek at the progress of the inspired collection:

i'm so proud of my designs.......each one is created by me :-)
i'll be photographing the collection today so hopefully it will be live soon!

hubby's birthday is tomorrow (happy face!)...
my birthday is next week (sad face!)....
i do have something up my sleeve but since he might read this, i can't share that either ;-)

so what have you been up to?
any plans for the weekend?

what have you been up to lately?

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