Okay, well maybe you didn't ask for it but I did say I was going to start sharing more of my life. And right now my life is aggravating me greatly. I don't mean to take for granted all the blessings the Lord has given me and my family and many of them have been undeserved. However. I'm just a touch grouchy. See, here's the problem..........
1. It's been a loooong summer. I (quickly) became quite accustomed to Aidan's first year of preschool absenses. We readjusted very easily this summer and it actually seemed to be going well. Until now. I think I've reached my expiration date.
2. Added to that, my little angel is potty training. Yes, it's a little late comparatively speaking but better late than never! He's doing a fabulous job 'peeing on the potty'. I feel like that phrase should be in quotes AND italicized because it's become my mantra. HOWEVER. He's always had constipation issues. To the point that regular administration of medication (read: stool softeners) is required. To say the least, these issues are not condusive to successful 'pooping on the potty' training. I'll leave the details to your imagination.
3. And finally, making matters worse, a recent minor surgery - from which I've completely recovered - seems to have altered my thyroid function again. If you have thyroid issues, you can understand how...........all encompassing they can be. At any point in the past that I've mentioned an illness, it was some sort of thyroid issue. Briefly: after my son was born I was diagnosed with Graves Disease, an overactive thyroid (linked to further info if you care). After minor radiation treatment, my thyroid was then underactive - no big deal, easier to treat and manage. However. (there's that word again!) After a blissful two years or so, my thyroid 'woke up' and became overactive once again. Must've been feeling neglected. So, more med adjustments and it went back to sleep. Now I'm not sure what's going on........ TOO underactive, overactive.....I don't know. All I know is that I'm EXHAUSTED (read: falls asleep in the middle of a sentence), I have heart palpitations, I can't walk up the stairs without feeling like I've run a marathon (okay, I've never run a marathon but if that's what it feels like then you can count me out!), I'm having a hard time finding the energy to get anything done and irritable is my middle name (I'm in the process of legally changing my first name to incredibly). Oh yeah, and my appetite??? Let's just say that any weight I (finally) lost recently is back with reinforcements.
So. Such is my life at the moment. If you call me and I snap at you, I apologize. It's my hormones. Or maybe I'm in the middle of cleaning poop off the floor. Or perhaps my son has been following me around singing "You Got A Friend in Me" all morning......who am I kidding? It could be anything. So call at your own risk. Or don't call. I'll call you. That's safer all around. All I can say is, it's a good thing he's so cute!! ;-)
Your Jewelry is BEAUTIFUL! I am so glad I found you stopping over from SITS!
Thank you, Mary Catherine! How do you keep up with all those deals? Do you do other stores, as well?
You son definitely is a cutie :)
I'm sorry about your health issues. Thyroid problems are generally difficult to treat - hope you get your energy back soon!
Also, thank you for your helpful comment on my blog regarding my new site. Yes, I'm trying to figure out how to install a next/previous button. I am a complete newbie at this, please bear with me!
take care,
Your son is adorable! I bet he keeps you chuckling as well. They are so cute at that age.
Thanks so much, Garden Gnome! Yes, he does keep me laughing - which is why he's made it to 4!! ;-)
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