I'm now resolved to count my blessings on a regular basis and I'm going to do it publicly so that whenever I start to sound a little whiny, you all can point me back to this post! Looking back over this week...........
- First and foremost, I am grateful that I have a God that forgives! We all make our share of mistakes and sometimes we will even deliberately mis-step, knowing that it's not what He would want us to do. He still loves us, amen!
- I've said it before and I'll say it again - I am SOOO blessed to have such a supportive husband. Really. Seriously, I mean who's husband is just gonna say "oh, you wanna stay home and not go back to work after I've left my own successful and rewarding business to work at a
suckyreliable job even though that means we live in a house that is falling down around us and NOW you've decided it's a good idea to make jewelry and sell it even though you have no experience doing so? no problem."......and actually mean it? - My son. All I can say is he wasn't supposed to be and he is.
- As previously mentioned in #2, the house we live in could use some work. My father-in-law lives here also. (probably the easiest roommate anyone could ever have but technically, we're still newlyweds). We don't own this house. But. This house is family-owned with no mortgage. We pay a ridiculously unheard of amount for rent. This house allows me to stay home with my son while working at what I love.
- Which leads me to #5. I get to do what I love - create! and..........
- God has blessed me with many talents. My desire is to honor Him with each and every one of them!
- I am grateful for technology. Sounds strange but technology allows me to spread the love to the far corners of the world and connect with people that, otherwise, I'd probably never meet.
- And speaking of other people, I am blessed to have found some wonderfully talented, knowledgeable, Godly women who have been where I am, know where I'm going and have some words of wisdom or just inspiration to share (check out the new additions to my "cool blogs", specifically Gussy, V and Co., Nesting Place and The Mom Creative. And as always, Lisa Leonard! If you don't know them already, you want to! and I'm sure they'll lead me to other fabulous women so keep an eye on that sidebar!)
- I am fabulously blessed to be a part of my church community, Faith Living Church (if you're in the CT area, drop by for a visit! If you're away from your own church or can't find one in your area, FLC had live broadcasts OR you can watch at your convenience. Yup, that's right - we're wired!)
- Lastly, I'm so lucky to have my friends. God has connected me with some wonderful women of faith IRL (in real life) who are always available to me to lend support. I'm not sure if they're reading but Mel, Kristin, Darlene, Christie and Kate - I'm so lucky to have you all in my life! I love you guys!
So what blessings has God given you? What are you grateful for today?

Love this post! Always makes me stop and be thankful as well for all of God's Blessings in my life. Today, am especially grateful for my family, and that God has healed my son from cancer!! Blessings to your and yours!
I'm actually grateful for coming across this post and the reminder to always live in gratitude (not attitude, as I tell my son but not myself enough lol!)
Also grateful for your support on my SITS day. Love that you're living your dream!
oops forgot to add that comment was from Babes about Town!
I'm going to steal one of yours...a husband that works and never complains and allows me to stay home while I figure out what iI want to do when I grow up! Thanks for stopping by...when God gives us a vision He won't stop until we bring it to fruition...so we both need to be obedient! Looking forward to following you on your journey as well!
Thanks Kirstie, that was very inspirational. I am very blessed to have you in my life as well. You are a great friend!
KIST! You too are a tremendous blessing in my life and have been for MANY years. We'll keep just how many to ourselves. Chills when reading your blog. I could actually feel your emotions as you wrote. I am very thankful to have you in my life and as you know I have so so so many other things in my life for which I give thanks for everyday!! Love you -- Melly
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