
five minute friday :: on waiting

here’s the deal: i’m linking up with thegypsymama for five minute friday. rules: write for five minutes on the chosen subject. no editing. no over-thinkiing. just let it flow. at the end of five minutes, stop writing. easy as pie.


i’ve always been an impatient sort of person. big surprise, huh? *grin* at 18, i was impatient to find the love of my life. didn’t happen. at 23, i was anxious to get married and have a double wedding with my best friend. didn’t happen. in my early thirties, everyone around me was married and having babies. children? ugh. i wasn’t sure that was for me.

fast forward to 36. met and married the love of my life within 6 months. and was expecting our one and only little bundle of joy. some people think i waited until the timing was right for me. but did i really? was i intentionally waiting? i don’t think so. i know that it was God’s intention for me to wait. wait patiently and focus on Him. trust in Him to bring me to where he wanted me to be. but i didn’t do that. cuz i’m an impatient sort of person. thankfully, God imposed His timing on me and didn’t let me take the reins. i didn’t wait. but God waited on me ;-)


much better flow this week, yes? so go check out the other participants and then come back and tell me:

what are you waiting on?

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